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Dairy and Eggs: Egg Whites Cooked,. Egg Yolks Cooked, Soft Cheese, Hard Cheese, Yogurt.


Grains Raw and Modified: Cooked White Rice, Cooked Brown Rice, Wild Rice Cooked, Wheat Alpha-Gliadins.


Beans Modified: Cooked Black Beans, Bean Agglutrins, Dark Chocolate, Cocoa, Cooked Garbanzo Beans, Cooked Kidney Beans, Cooked Lentils, Cooked Pinto Beans, Soy Sauce Gluten-Free, Tofu.


Nuts and Seeds Raw and Modified: Roasted Almonds, Cashew, Flax Seed, Mustard Seed, Roasted Peanuts, Sesame Oleosin, Roasted Sunflower Seeds, Walnut. 


Vegetables Raw and Modified:  Cooked Asparagus, Cooked Beets, Bell Pepper, Broccoli, Green Cabbage, Red Cabbage,  Canola Olestrin, Carrot, Cauliflower, Celery, Chili Pepper, Eggplant, Garlic, Cooked Green Bean, Lettuce, Mushroom Raw, Mushroom Cooked, Onion, Scallion, Pea Cooked, White Potato, Popped Corn, Pumpkin, Squash, Radish, Spinach, Spinach Aquaporin, Tomato Paste, Yams/Sweet Potato, Zucchini.


Fruit Raw and Modified:  Apple, Avocado, Banana, Blueberry, Cantaloupe, Honeydew, Coconut Meat, Coconut Water, Green Grape, Red Grape, Lemon, Lime, Orange, Peach, Nectarine, Pear, Pineapple, Strawberry, Watermelon.


Fish and Seafood: Cod, Clam, Crab, Lobster, Salmon, Shrimp, Shrimp Tropomyosin, Tuna Raw, Tuna Cooked, Whitefish.


Meat:  Beef, Chicken, Meat Glue, Pork, Turkey


Herbs Raw: Basil, Cilantro, Rosemary, Oregano, Parsley


Spices Raw: Cinnamon, Ginger, Turmeric, Curcumin, Vanilla.


Gums:  Carrageenan, Xanthan Gum


Brewed Beverages, and Additives:  Honey Raw, Honey Processed, Food Coloring

Cyrex Array 10-90 Multiple Food Immune Reactivity

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